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PAEC 803

PAEC Therapeutic High School


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English I

This is the standard year-long English course for freshmen, focusing on the integration of writing, reading, speaking and listening skills. Students will learn to read for both appreciation and meaning while striving to become critical and creative thinkers and speakers. It emphasizes literature, research, and composition. Students will (1) examine the types of literature, including the short story, non-fiction, poetry, novel and drama: (2) complete research projects, utilizing technology and various resources; (3) practice oral skills through presentations; and (4) write developed compositions, including narrative, persuasive, expository, and creative writing formats. In addition, specific grammar and punctuation rules will be addressed through skill development and writing.
Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
- Read age-appropriate material with fluency and accuracy. (IS# 1.B.4c)
-Identify genres (forms and purposes) of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and electronic literary forms. (IS# 1.B.1b)
-Write paragraphs that include a variety of sentence types; appropriate use of the eight parts of speech; and accurate spelling, capitalization and punctuation. (IS# 3.A.2)
-Write compositions that contain complete sentences and effective paragraphs using English conven tions. (IS# 3.A.3)
-Ask questions and respond to questions from the teacher and from group members to improve comprehension. (IS# 4.A.1b) -Organize and integrate information from a variety of sources (e.g., books, interviews, library reference materials, web-sites, CD/ROMS). (IS# 5.A.2b)

English II
This is a standard full-year course designed for sophomore English student. It employs a thematic approach to literature including contemporary and traditional novels. Students will write persuasive, narrative, and expository compositions. A research paper will be taught during the second semester.
Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
-Students will read with understanding and fluency by continuously checking and clarifying for understanding. (IS# 1.B.3c)
-Students will compare, contrast and evaluate ideas and information from various sources and genres. (IS# 1.C.3c)
-Students will Identify and analyze a variety of literary techniques within classical and contemporary works representing a variety of genres. (IS# 2.A.3a)
- Students will write compositions that contain complete sentences and effective paragraphs using English conven tions. (IS# 3.A.3)
- Students will compose narrative, informative, and persuasive writings for a specified audience. (IS# 3.C.3a)
-Students will deliver planned oral presentations, using language and vocabulary appropriate to the purpose, message and audience; provide
details and supporting information that clarify main ideas; and use visual aids and contemporary technology as support. (IS# 4.B.3a)
-Students will apply listening skills as individuals and members of a group in a variety of settings (e.g., lectures, discussions, conversa tions,
team projects, presentations, interviews). (IS# 4.A.4a)
- Students will organize and integrate information from a variety of sources (e.g., books, interviews, library reference materials, web- sites, CD/ROMs). (IS# 5.A.2b)

English III
This is a required junior-level course in the Regular sequence. This course builds on the work of the freshmen and sophomore years. Students (1) pursue further critical thinking skills and a response-and judgment approach to the reading of significant literature of the last half century, (2) critically and responsively approach poetry, (3) will do extensive work with verbs, spelling, modifier use, and sentence clarity; and (4) write papers in response to readings and various type of personal business correspondence.
Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
- Identify reasons why American Literature is important. (IS# 2A.3b,2A.5d,2.B.4b)
-Strengthen written skills by writing a variety of papers. (IS# 3.A.5,3.B.3a,3.C.5a,3.C.4b)
-Reinforce reading skills by reading a variety of selections. (IS# 1B.5a,1.B.4c,1.B.3c,1.C.4a,1.C.5d)
-Practice higher level thinking skills by reading a variety of selections. (IS# 2.A.5c)
-Learn the process of researching information and then compiling it into a paper. (IS# 5.A.4a, 5.B.5a, 5.B.4b, 5.C.5b)
-Present orally to classmates for a variety of purposes. (IS# 4.B.5b,4B.5b,5.A.4b)

English IV
This course prepares students for life in and beyond the classroom. Through the integration of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, students will become better communicators and critical thinkers. Individual attention will be provided to help students further develop their composition and oral skills.
Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
-Students will review reading materials, make predictions and relate reading to information from other sources. (IS# 1.B.3a)
-Students will continuously check and clarify for understanding (e.g., in addition to previous skills , draw comparisons to other readings). (IS# 1.B.3c)
-Students will read age-appropriate material with fluency and accuracy. (IS# 1.B.5d)
-Students will use questions and predictions to guide reading. (IS# 1.C.4a)
-Students will describe how the development of theme, character, plot and setting contribute to the overall impact of a piece of literature. (IS# 2.A.3b)
-Students will produce documents that convey a clear understanding and interpretation of ideas and information and display focus, organization, elaboration and coherence. (IS# 3.B.3a)
-Students will edit and revise for word choice organization, consistent point of view and transitions among paragraphs using contem porary technology and formats suitable for submission and/or publication. (IS# 3.B.3b)
-Students will write for real or potentially real situations in academic, professional and civic contexts (e.g., college applications, job applications, business letters, and petitions). (IS# 3.C.5b)
-Students will use criteria to evaluate a variety of speakers' verbal and nonverbal messages. (IS# 4.A.5a)
-Students will develop a research plan using multiple forms of data. (IS# 5.A.5a)

Contemporary Literature
This is a one-semester elective. It provides students with critical thinking experiences in reading, writing, and discussions in the following units: alienation and isolation, traditional and non-traditional values, justice and injustice, ethnic cultures, and the future.
Multi-Cultural Literature
This is a one-semester elective course, which concentrates on the works of and problems surrounding various ethnic groups (Hispanic, African-American, Japanese, Irish, etc.) as they immigrated to the United States. A study of novels, poetry, and short stories will be the focus for this course's approach to multi-cultural literature.
Computer Technology
Students develop basic skills in computer literacy including components of the computer, Internet skills, and computer ethics. Emphasis is placed on finger positioning and accuracy development. Students will format documents using a word processing program and learn to organize and analyze data using a database and spreadsheet program. Time will be made available for students to prepare assignments that require the use of these software applications.

Computer Applications
Students will design solutions to solve problems and use computer applications to implement the solutions. The use of spreadsheets, word processing, database management, graphics, and desktop publishing are integral parts of the course content.

Consumer Education
Consumer Education covers the basic concepts of the economy as they apply to practical daily living. Students will study installment purchasing, budgeting, and comparison of prices. Other topics include the consumer in the marketplace, credit, buying of goods and services (housing, food, transportation, clothing, health, recreation, home furnishings, and appliances), insurance, savings and investments, taxes, the consumer in the economy, and labor and trade unions.
Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
-Explain the relationship between productivity and wages. (IS# 15.A.3b)
-Explain and understand the process of paying and filing income tax forms. (IS# 15.E.3a)
-Describe how income reflects the choices made about education and careers (Reality World). (IS# 15.A.2b)
-Describe the different forms available to a consumer in regard to money/currency (e.g., credit, cash). (IS# 15.B.4a)

Human Development 1 and 2
This program focuses on human development prior to conception through preschool age children. They include the following topic areas: family relations and parenting; pregnancy and birth; childcare and development; children with special needs; and careers in childcare and family services.

Pre Algebra
Students explore and develop skills in recognizing patterns, using formulas, estimating, measuring, analyzing data, identifying geometric shapes and their properties, and computing with signed numbers. Additionally, students are introduced to the language and techniques of algebra.
Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
-Explain operations and number properties including commutative, associative, distributive, transitive, zero, equality and order of operations. (IS# 8.C.2)
-Apply the properties of numbers and operations including inverses in algebraic settings derived from economics, business and the sciences. (IS# 8.C.3)
-Solve linear equations involving whole numbers. (IS# 8.D.2)

Algebra Enhanced or Algebra PV
This course covers the same topics outlines for Algebra but addresses the visual and kinesthetic learning styles. Applications to careers and real life are emphasized. Manipulatives and mathematical models are used to help students "see" algebraic concepts.

Algebra is a course designed for the math student to think in both concrete and abstract terms. Students should be proficient in the use of basic properties and definitions. Students will become competent in problem solving techniques and will be able to translate English into the language of mathematics and the reverse. Students develop skills in using variables, solving equations, factoring, graphing and using functions. Problem-solving skills will be emphasized and developed.
Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
- Students will demonstrate their knowledge and use of numbers and their representations in a broad range of settings. (IS# 6.A)
-Students will investigate, represent and solve problems using number facts, operations and their properties, algorithms, and relationships. (IS# 6.B)
-Students will compute and estimate using mental mathematics, paper-and-pencil methods, calculators, and computers. (IS# 6.C)
-Students will measure and compare quantities using appropriate units, instruments and methods. (IS# 7.A)
-Students will describe numerical relationships using variables and patterns. (IS# 8.A)
-Students will interpret and describe numerical relationships using tables, graphs, and symbols. (IS# 8.B)
-Students will solve problems using systems of numbers and their properties. (IS# 8.C)
-Students will use algebraic concepts and procedures to represent and solve problems. (IS# 8.D)
-Students will organize, describe and make predictions from existing data. (IS# 10.A.)

Algebra II
This course continues and expands on topics introduced in Algebra. Students develop in-depth understanding of graphing techniques and problem-solving skills needed to solve algebraic problems. Linear, quadratic, polynomial and rational functions are explored using traditional, as well as modern, technology. Applications to careers and real-life are emphasized.

Algebra II with Trigonometry
This course continues and expands on topics introduced in Algebra I. Students develop in-depth understanding of graphing techniques, systems, and the complex number system. Linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions are explored using traditional as well as modern technology.

Geometry Enhanced
This course covers the same topics outlined for Geometry but addresses the visual and kinesthetic learning styles. Applications to careers and real life are emphasized. Manipulative activities and mathematical models are used to help students "see" geometric properties and concepts.

This course develops those skills necessary to analyze, categorize, and draw conclusions about points, lines, angles, planes, and space. Properties of figures are examined, developed, and applied to solve a variety of problems. Congruency and similarity of figures are investigated and applied. Direct and indirect measurement techniques are used to determine angle measure, perimeter, area, and volume of figures. Algebraic techniques are used to symbolically represent and solve geometric problems in a wide variety of settings. Deductive reasoning skills are developed through work with formal and informal proofs.

Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
-Use concepts of symmetry, congru ency, similarity, scale, perspective, and angles to describe and analyze two- and three-dimensional shapes found in practical applica tions (e.g., geodesic domes, A-frame houses, basketball courts, inclined planes, art forms, blueprints). (IS# 9.A.3c) -Use geometric figures and their properties to solve problems in the arts, the physical and life sciences and the building trades, with and without the use of technology. (IS# 9.A.5) -Identify, describe, classify and compare two- and three- dimensional geometric figures and models according to their properties. (IS# 9.B.3)

Biology is a one-year course, which deals with the study of living things and attempts to develop understandings of the basic biological principles. Emphasis is placed upon the chemical and physical basis of life, the continuity of life, the fundamental life processes, evolution of life, and the interdependence of living things.

Earth Science
This course provides the students with an understanding of the Earth. The topics of study include astronomy, weather, pollution, oceanography, maps and globes, rocks and minerals, glaciers, earthquakes, volcanoes, fossils and geologic time. Problem solving strategies and the scientific method are stressed.

Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science. Students will also learn and understand: energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change, energy is conserved; energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion; matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

World Civilizations
This is a one-year course designed to assist students of average potential who need specialized and individualized instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension skills to support the understanding of world history from the beginning of civilization through the late 20th Century. The areas of study are Africa, Asia, and Europe.
World Civilizations Regular
This is a one-year course designed for average and above average students. This course is a survey of world history from the beginning of civilization in Africa, Asia, and Europe through the 20th Century.

This semester course covers the American system of government, the American legal system, the criminal justice system, our rights and responsibilities as citizens, as well as consumer awareness and protection. Throughout the study of citizenship, government and law, students will gain a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities as members of society. In addition, students will study consumer issues related to contracts, credit, purchasing goods and services, and career planning.

World Geography
This course is designed as an introductory course for social science. Physical geography and basic geographical skills are emphasized, natural resources, farming, manufacturing, and the historical and cultural development of Africa, Asia, and Europe are also studied.

U.S. History
This is a one-year course required by law of all high school graduates. This course is a chronological survey of major political, economic, social, and cultural events from colonial times to present in the United States History. The importance of geography in the development of the nation should be addressed as well as the role played by important persons. Students also learn about current issues and problems and their connections to events from the past. Students will take the U.S. Constitution test. This test must be passed as a graduation requirement.
Objectives as Aligned with Illinois Standards (IS)
-Describe how groups competed for power within the colonies during the early national period. (IS# 16.B.3a)
-Explain how and why the colonies fought for their independence and how their ideas reflect in the constitution. (IS# 16.B.3b)
-Describe how the constitution has changed over time as a result of amendments. (IS# 16.B.3c)
-Explain the relationships that were developed in the American economy due to slavery & immigration. (IS# 16.C.3b)
-Describe the development and government policies that affected the countries economy after 1865. (IS# 16.C.3c)
-Analyze the westward expansion on America economy. (IS# 16.C.4b)
-Describe ways in which America developed as a world/political power. (IS# 16.B.3d)
-Analyze worldwide consequences of isolated events such as; Civil War, World Wars 1 & 2, & the Vietnam War/Conflict. (IS# 16.B.5a)
-Make inferences about historical events and eras using historical maps and other resources. (IS# 16.A.3b)
-Compare competing historical interpretations of an event. (IS# 16.A.4b)

Issues in America
This is a one-semester course designed to study events in Post World War II America. The course will cover challenges that the U.S. has faced in its recent past and present. The focus is on contemporary events that impact our lives.
African-American History

This is a junior-senior elective designed to cover the African-American experience from its origins in Africa to the current efforts in the United States toward true equality. The course offers a historical, cultural, and literary perspective to the African-American experience in the U.S. and the impact of African-American culture on U.S. history. Course activities include classroom discussion, journal writing, projects, and personal experiences.

Latin-American History
This is a junior-senior elective consisting of a survey of social, political, and economic trends in Spanish America from the 15th to the 20th Centuries. Differences, as well as similarities, in the development of Latin American countries will be studied to provide students with insights into how humans can provide different solutions to similar problems.

This course introduces students to sociological theories and terminology necessary to explain and analyze social behavior among humans. Students will learn how to use the scientific method for studies. The sociology units are designed to utilize a variety of critical thinking skills. Students learn how to select logical approaches and reliable experts to solve group problems and social issues. They learn to recognize ways of influencing group behavior. Individual units focus on achieving stable family lives and demonstrating how prejudice affects people. Throughout the course an emphasis is placed on evaluating the sources or authorities on which one relies for information, those sources used in class, and those outside of class.

This course is the study of human behavior. It is a general survey of the field of psychology. Critical thinking is used to evaluate theories and hypotheses. Topics which are examined include: the biology of behavior (brain, central nervous system, etc.), perception, learning (classical and operant conditioning), language, thought, intelligence, and personality theory. The primary emphasis is on the exploration of individual human behavior and experience.
Illinois, Chicago, and Local History
This semester course will broaden students' understanding of the historical, political, economic, and social history of the communities that serve Proviso Townships High Schools, as well as the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago.

Reading and Communications
This course emphasizes a multi-faceted approach to reading, which also includes emphasis on study skills, organizational skills, sound-symbol relationships, whose language, and receptive-expressive language development.

Civic Responsibility
This course concentrates on the responsibilities of adult life. Students develop an understanding of the need for government and law, the rights and responsibilities of voting and paying taxes and their importance to their lives as functioning members in a democratic society.

Health Education
This course fulfills the health education requirement for graduation as stipulated in Section 861 of The School Code of Illinois. Students study human ecology and health, human growth and development, prevention and control of disease, public and environmental health, consumer health, safety education and disaster survival, mental health and illness, personal health habits, nutrition, and dental health. Other topics include the use and abuse of alcohol, drugs, tobacco in relations to one's health.

Driver Education in the Classroom
The Driver Education classroom portion is designed to develop safe, courteous, and skillful drivers. To enter the driver education program, students must have completed freshman physical education and maintained a 90% Attendance Rate during the school year prior to taking this course. The classroom phase emphasizes the importance of students developing desirable attitudes toward the responsibilities associated with the operation of a motor vehicle.